6.25.13: I’m A Breather

I remember asking him, “Since you’ve stopped making art, how do you spend your time?” And he said, “Oh, I’m a breather, I’m a respirator, isn’t that enough?” He asked, “Why do people have to work? Why do people think they have to work?” He talked about how important it was to really breathe, to live life at a different tempo and a different scale from the way most of us live.

–Calvin Tompkins on Marcel Duchamp from Marcel Duchamp: The Afternoon Interviews


5 thoughts on “6.25.13: I’m A Breather

  1. Can I Re-blog this?? My core philosophy, but man is it hard to shake off the old conditioning. In fact, if we were truly enlightened, it wouldn’t even be a conversation, would it!

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