6.29.12: Best Friend

Up at 6 am to wish Naomi safe journey as she leaves for a stint at the fabulous Film Farm in Ontario. This leaves Tatu (one of the Top 3 dogs in the world) and me home alone at Echo Luna for the next week! Our first day entails morning tea and reading on the front porch, a few household chores, some gardening, naps, a swim in the pond, watching birds and squirrels play in our big trees, and a nice dinner. Oh, and cuddling. Lots of cuddling.


One thought on “6.29.12: Best Friend

  1. This sounds exactly like my day, except for the swim in the pond…oh and except my Sweet Pup will most likely bugger off, cause a ruckus and only be caught when he stops to eat the neighbour’s cat food….then cuddles, lots of cuddles. The neighbours know him as “Goddammit, Sammie…….”. I love him.

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