6.17.12: Sonntag

What to do on a sunny Sunday in Berlin? How about a long late sleep followed by vanilla soy coffee;  checking out the neighborhood flea market where the scores include a baby Nizo for 18 euro;  a tasty brunch of ricotta pancakes, corn fritters and eggs florantine; a stroll through “Rabbit Heather” Park (outdoor cinemas! beer gardens! nude sunbathing!); a lovely hour at Tempelhof Park, formerly Berlin-Tempelhof Airport, where all kinds of folks are riding bikes/rollerblading/walking on the former runways or flying kites/grilling food/snoozing/playing music on the grass next to them; a languid summer evening bbq with friends old and new in Kahni and Nadine’s beautiful apartment garden located half a block from where the wall once divided east from west…

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